Love***Romance *** and Weddings are the fairytales women dream about!!It's where our vison, style and our imagination all come together for one special day.
My post tonight is truly an honor. I am excited to share and introduce you to my wonderful dear friend for over 20 years..
Pamela Ann Noxen
Pamela is the founder of San Diego Wedding.com
CEO, producer "The Wedding Party Bridal Show"
Owner, designer "Pamela's Parasols"
Editor in chief San Diego "NUPTIALS"
Her vision, creative force, buisness sense and over the top talent has touted her SanDiego's Ultimate Wedding Expert. Pamela is reguarded and admired in her industry for her spectacular bridal events here in Southern California. She's consisitantly on the forefront of wedding styles and trends.
Her venues are beautiful...If your planning a wedding you have to attend...The next show will be Fabulous!
Sunday February 26th, 2012 @ The Omni San Diego Hotel.
She's celabrating her 25th show!!
I can't wait to go to this one..
Just another day at the office ...No....
I'm Soooo excited to share this exciting news... she has just launched her first E-MAGAZINE titled San Diego NUPTIALS.
The Premier issue is on line now! I have read it cover to cover....Beautiful photos, articles, destinations, sources and ideas.... Oh my just Fab... Love it..
I am so proud of Pamela, she's amazing and I wanted to share her talent with you. I love entrepreneurial women... they are the back bone of our buisness world!
Search her web sites and see what you've been missing!
click the link.
Thank you Darlins**