Can you image the pieces of jewelry from the
"Duchess of Windsor" T.C. Leary from TLC Estate Jewelry speaks of the personal collection from Geneva, Switzerland in 1987 being her most exciting estate to have an experience representing.
Also Mary Pick ford and Raymond Burr two hollywood celebs had amazing collections too.
T.C Leary is GIA certified and a professional appraiser with 30 years of being in business.
Another fabulous vendor that will be here at the "Olivenhain Grove Sale", an expert for any thing you need....She 's most fond of diamonds because they capture a moment that lasts forever....So TRUE, I NEED A MOMENT!!!!!
Contact info: www.TLCEstatejewelry.com
I hope your'e loving all the vendors being profiled! I'll be posting all of them so just stay tuned,Mark your calendar, Friday April 30th and Sat. May 1st, check the side bar and older posts!