Remembering to Be Thankful for those who gave their life for our Freedom and Peace.
My Grand parents who lived in the midwest used to host Fabulous Dinners and invite special Veterans to join them at their home on the Lake.
My Uncle a young Pilot was killed in training when his plane went down and my other Uncle was injured with a bullet. Lucky he was returned home.
Memorial Day has a special meaning for my family.
A Memory that I cherish was......
My Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles always rode in the Parade in our little town and proudly represented their Patriotic Honor and Appreciation.
While celebrating Let's please take a minute to remember those who served our country and the men and women who are in service now and their Families hoping that they return home safety.
So if your in a parade with your family or at the beach,Lake or just in the back yard this weekend, Enjoy and Cheers to Memorial Day !!!!