*Royalishes* I say...
What do we love most about the Royal Wedding? Let's ponder this a moment...
Can we really answer that question! Do we really love the pomp and Circumstance or the Traditional Etiquette of protocol...I really think its personal but overall I feel we love the Romantic Pageantry of it all***{THE DRESS}
I remember watching Princess Diana getting out of the Carriage. Really that's all I remember. I have that Beautiful image of her in her Wedding Gown.
My favorite has to be the Carriage, Horses and of course THE WEDDING DRESS*
I love how it is kept a secret up until the moment The Prince will see her in it.
That is what it is supposed to be. Who shows their fiance the dress before!!
It is a special Intimate moment for the Bride and Groom. A extra special gift for the guests to witness that pure moment between them!
This all makes me reflect on my own wedding!! Aren't you doing the same right now?
I kept my Dress a secret too. The Color was the biggest secret. It was so difficult but so worth it!! It was a complete surprise.
No one knew except my seamstress because I designed the dress and headpiece. My Mom and my Dad a tiny bit though they didn't see it.
Here are a few Photos: Our Wedding day and my Dress and the White Carriage I rode in. I wouldn't change a thing even many years later. Our little fairytale..
Enjoy, Get your wedding pics out and reflect a little.
It's the whole Romance and Love Story of the two people whom lives will be forever joined and changed. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it**
Remember the moment when you first saw each other on your Wedding Day... Gives me chill bumps**
PS. If you want to see more..look back at my older posts from August 2010, I posted the whole month of Pink and more from my wedding*