"Happy Mother's Day " to all of you Mommies and Mommies to be!A special bond we all share, we walk the walk, wipe the tears, and can recall all the years.
{Wasn't trying to rhyme, just came out this way!}
I Love being a MOMMIE, It changed my World. I know I wear my heart on my sleeve when it comes to my Boyz but I wouldn't have it any other way....They have taught me so much and given me the proudest moments of my life..
Here are a couple photos of favorite moments I remember so clearly.
{Photo1} My first Baby Boy, he was six week old and we took him on our first vacation as a family to Mammoth, Ca. We are at Mono Lake. He had severe colic and yep he was crying in the picture!
{Photo 2} 8 1/2 yearsl ater. My second Baby Boy, he was six weeks old and we are leaving to go to his "Baby shower"!
{Photo 3} My youngest son with me.
I can still smell them when I look at these photos, it's beautiful to remember every detail about our children. I know my Mom used to tell me stories about me when I was little, I used to ask her how do you remember that? She replied when you're a Mommie it's your heart!
I've come to cherish what she meant.
Missing her every Mother's Day, not the same without her.
Have a Beautiful Day filled with precious Memories*