Hope your weekend is as beautiful as it here in So. Cal. About 80 degrees today and blue sky s..
When I was on my trip in Wisconsin I was driving to visit my family, Phoebe and Priscilla and I passed the most gorgeous little farms and roadside markets.
I couldn't help but stop at this one.. The farmer had fabulous pumpkins from $1-3. Indian corn, apples, concord grapes, all kinds of vegetables. I bought my niece one of the large pumpkins, the one that is pinkish and looks like it has barnacles on it! I wish I could of brought a truck full home! Also bought some delicious apples and a basket of concord grapes!
After the cute farmer gave me the tour of his farm.... {Don't talk to strangers!!}
He said I have one more thing to show you, but it is in the barn.. Sooo, I held my breathe and we walked in quietly as he put his finger to his lips, SHhhh. I looked over the gate and saw these baby little piglets!!! Oh my they were cute!
I had to take photos to show my son this little farm. How about the huge grain holder! It was fabulous I would use it as a Gazebo in my Lemon Grove it was so big!
My hat is off to the Farmer's they are special people and so proud of what they do. I so enjoyed my tour! {As soon as he asked me where I was from I new it was going to be a long conversation!}
Have a beautiful Sunday*