Happy Wednesday!
Is Summer flying by?
What happened to the long days & naps on the porch!!!!
...backtracking to May
I promised a post from my trip, so here it is!
My annual Illinois & Wisconsin visit is all about family.
we do find some time for fun little adventures.
Always the highlight of my year!
It's truly such a beautiful and peaceful place.
This year was no exception...my cousins took me to a few darling places.
First up, was Cedarsburg, WI.
Charming & historical.
We walked about this old town, it's amazing to see these old structures.
We had a delicious lunch in a cozy little spot in town,{can't recall the name right now}
I think... this building was a old mill.
I imagine how gorgeous this town is with a blanket of snow at Christmas, with all the shops decorated!
This amazing mural is on the side of a building down town, these are the historical buildings.
A beautiful old storefront, Love the door & transom.
Next up*
Lake Bluff, Illinois
We visited this darling shop in Illinois.
Another fabulous little town, we had a delicious lunch around the corner.
What....Lunch & shopping go together....
Like a purse & shoes!
My cousin Mrs. M is so fun, she and I have the best time exploring these little finds on our outings when I visit!
We had a lovely chat with one of the sisters of Re Imagined Vintage that afternoon, she told us her family owns & operates the business.
The store is a gem.
She did mention they may be expanding to another location, so do check in with them if you plan on going to this location!
My iphone ran out of batteries so I only have this one exterior picture...
Don't worry...
When I got home I layed out all my vintage goodies to share with you!
Here is what I brought home from Re Imagined vintage.
This darling hand made apron, handstiched with a pocket.
To the garden... vintage flashcard was perfect.
Tucked in a few roses from my garden!
Walking around the corner we found the coolest little sign advertising Praire espresso!
The owner told us his story & made the most delicious espresso for me.
Next was the Wisconin flea market...
With my SIL, Ms. P.
We went early, It began to sprinkle but we had the best time!
First stop, Jeanine of ChiPPy! - ShaBBy!

Jeanine Burkhardt has a great eye, her vintage finds have just the right time worn patina that I love...
She was busy setting up and we chatted a bit, I met her husband Mr. Froggie she sweetly calls him.
He had something that caught my eye!
This beautiful old weather vane!
Here's how I displayed it in my kitchen..
Finding a treasure to bring home is special.
Every time I see a treasure like this...
I think of the fun day in Wisconsin with my SIL
seeing Jeanine {Chippy! -Shabby}! again & bringing a new purpose to this antique weathervane.
Visit Jeanine here, she's on my blog roll too
tell her Gail sent you! http://chippyshabby.blogspot.com
This year I vowed only to bring smalls that would fit into my suitcase...
My SIL had to talk me out of some large garden items!!!
These treasures made the cut into my suitcase.
Antler, no such thing as too many!!!
I hung the antler on the vintage hook below on the front door, added some roses from the garden. LOVE it!
Found this vintage metal hook, the perfect chippy pale green!
Spied this and had to have it....Vintage wool peacoat style sweater...
The back of the sweater, it's hand stiched w/wool letters.
I love all the vintage treasures I found.
Most of all my trip cirlcles around spending time with my family,
Miss Phoebe my niece whom I adore, she's front and center. seeing her fills my heart.
My SIL Ms. P is amazing & we talk non stop, dream outloud, laugh and cry the whole week!!!
The Girls, I'll refer as a few of my causins come by for a girls evening, we have dinner & look at old photos, laugh, cry and catch up on everyone & it's a beautiful evening!
My cousins J & B roll out the red carpet and welcome me when I visit. We catch up on all the events & happenings with all the family, we have so much fun! They are wonderful to me and I'm blessed to spend time with them. They are a beautiful couple inside and out.
I treasure the chance to hear familiar names & tell old stories, hear new ones and connect with them all.
It certainly is a tearful Hello & Good bye all..
As soon as I get on the plaine I can't wait to go back next Spring!
Have a beautiful summer day!