Morning Darlins* Woke up early this morning to beautiful light coming through my window... I love mornings before anyone gets up! Usually I make a fire, but we are having georgeous weather and it's too warm! Make a light breakfast and a Nespresso. Our kitchen is in the front of the house which faces east, the sunrises are amazing . Our house is always sofly lit! One of our priorities we had on our list when house hunting was a east-west house... We have exactly that .. The back of the house is bathed in afternoon sun so the pool gets warm, it's so awesome to dine outside, see the ocean and enjoy the sunsets. {Our house is high up on a hill}.
To change the subject a little... No you didn't read party girl... you read platter girl! I have a few...ok alot... of platters. I haven't seen them in a while, they are still packed. I do have a few stacked mostly vintage brown & white transferware, monogrammed hotel and white ironstone. I love them! My mom started giving me platters! So I just kept growing my collection!
Are you a platter girl? What do you collect? I probably have them too...
The plates on the wall are from my old beach house. The stack is waiting for a wall!!
My design tip: use your collection on your walls in a artisitc display. Or use them to hold things that you use everyday. Enjoying them is part of what makes collecting fun!
Beautiful Sunday to you*