Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas plans*

Merry Christmas* surely ya'll must be ready for Christmas by now!
Your list has been checked off...Your plans must be made, shopping finished,presents wrapped, baking finished, haircuts, manicure, house cleaned, meals planned and everything prepped.
Oh and music selected, firewood stacked....
Oh my... does the list ever end!!!
A few pics from around our house... I love this vintage school flash card that says Christmas plans* I found it several years ago and love to see it each year! The sign I found too and it was so me... because I always forget my list!
Hope your last minute Christmas plan will be beautiful and don't forget your list! Check it twice!! Enjoy singing carols in your car and within your heart.


  1. You are so funny. I used to forget my list too until I started keeping a little notebook in my purse.
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Your home looks beautiful and so I don't think these lists end, in fact I think they grow while we are sleeping:) Tomorrow at 12 noon I gave myself that deadline, that whatever is done is done and whats not will have to be chalked up a lesson learned for next year!!


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