Friday, September 23, 2016

Dear Bloggers I need your help - Childhood homes!

Dearest Bloggers, friends and readers,

I'm reaching out to all of you to help me get answers to some heart filled questions.

says YES we can go home again! 
Please click the two links below and you will understand the question.

I need the answers ASAP from all of you who care and obsessed about your childhood or family homes, it can be yours or a relative's.
 YOU KNOW.. that place you have never forgotten and it lives in your dreams *

1. Would you buy back your childhood or family home?
2. Do you dream of your childhood or family home?
3. Are you thinking about buying back your childhood or family home or in the process now?

Last night I theses were posted on

Click link below

followed by this

My Answers are all YES!

Leave a comment with your answers or if Q.3 is PV message on the link to my FB.

* If QUESTION 3 is YES, 
YOU are thinking about buying your childhood home or in the process. 

I need to know ASAP... we need to seriously talk! I will explain why later. (I am not selling anything)
Please Private message me on my  Face Book 
Leave name, email, phone

My Childhood home is everything to me.
I want to know what you think from your heart about the articles and please take a moment to answer the questions in my comment section.

Thank you sooooo much your beautiful


  1. I have always said if my childhood home was still standing I would buy it back. It was a wonderful country farmhouse 4 rooms and a built on bath.
    It's always in my dreams
    It was bull dozed down and a nursing home built on our 16 acres. Makes we very das for all my neighbors houses are standing

  2. Gail I would so by back my childhood home in a minute.
    It was my grandparents home on my fathers side. When my grandparents purchased it I was not quite born yet and it was already 250 years old... It was a small desert getaway southern Calif home, and had been used in a few movie studio productions with Paramount Movie Picture Studios Hollywood Ca.
    Growing up and visiting this home has held the best memories for me, it's comforting to know their was a home like the words in a Miranda Lambert country song that BUILT me!
    Yes this home was a weekend getaway home from the Hollywood scene and it was a peaceful small home that lived big.

    I need to look into this, with my grandfather the last living relative in our family home his passing forced a sale, boy to have a chance to buy it back and live out the last of my memories would be nothing short of soulful living.

    Beautiful post.

    Beautiful memories.



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