Friday, May 4, 2012

From Tree to Table...

I remember one thing that we loved about our property when we bought it was the Little Grove..
A small area that the previous owners planted up near the house.
 Consisting of Apple * Apricot * Grapefruit * Oranges * Peaches * Plums Tangerine trees. One of each variety, which are lovely matured and produce fruit at different times of Spring and Summer. I love the whole process...particularly the flowering branches before the fruit. It is so beautiful and the fragrance is just intoxicating when you arrive at our gates!

When we first bought our property we fenced it in and we planted a Big Grove mostly Eureka lemons and a few special trees for our family... Clementines, Meyer lemons & Navel oranges.
Right now our peaches are ready! It's like a race... to pick them before the birds!

Enjoy the photos of some peaches I just picked. My family likes my peach, apple & pear crumble!

 I love it on Plain yogurt & my favorite is ... just picking one right off the tree!

My design tip: When landscaping, plant some trees that provide your family with fruit bearing gifts all year. They are beautiful ... while adding value to your property!
P.S. I'm linking up with Debra and the girls

1 comment:

  1. How blessed you are to have fruit bearing trees! The fruit looks and sounds delicious! I have one 4 year old apple tree and it did have blooms this year....just maybe? My blackberries are filled with blooms as we speak and they have done very well the last 2 seasons. And yes, I agree they are beautiful gifts! From one sweetie to another..Roxie


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