Thursday, May 2, 2013

List maker*

Hi Darlins,
This morning after the dust settled...{after everyone was out of here}!
I went out to water and cut a few roses...
This is a tiny vintage baby bottle....

The sun was pretty as it bathed this corner of the kitchen.

I grabbed my tiny latte cup and sat down to start my To Do's...

I am so excited to be going to visit my family in the MIDWEST in mid May!!!

I make To Do's for everything...
I am Soooo looking forward to my visit.
I have to make sure I don't forget to do, pack or plan something!

Are you a "List" maker?

I absolutely am!!!
I hope they don't forget to feed the puppy 3 x a day!!!
I will need to make A PUPPY LIST!

Have lots to do...
Have a pretty day ya'll


  1. Yes, I'm also a list-maker. Especially when I travel. I even organize my wardrobe & accessories this way so I can make the most of each outfit. If I didn't make lists I would never get finished as I'm a cliff-hanger person anyway. Have fun on your holiday. xx's

  2. Hi Marsha,
    I love the feeling of checking everything off my list! Something about having one gives me a little security that I will remember everything! Thank you I am looking forward to going, it is wonderful and it grounds me!
    Thank you for stopping by!


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