Tonight I'm so excited to go take a peek at My First Blog Interview!!!!
First.... I want to blog hug and Thank my new friend "Ginger" who has given me a special gift.
I didn't know what a blog was a year ago... I jumped in and wanted to have one of my own.
First I would have to learn how to turn the computer on!
I'm so thrilled that Ginger at "Allure of Whites" took the time to host this interview for me...
She is a new blogger too and her new Blog is so inspiring and if you Love White like I do then you'll follow me over to meet her. Let's go I am excited to see what she created!
I thought I would find something appropriate for this occasion in *WHITE*
{I't's Me} from my modeling archives!
Allure of Whites is SO pleased and honored to be your 1st Guest Post Interview! (Your modeling Achive Photo is the perfect attire for the occasion!) You have a beautiful blog...adore reading your talents and a new found friendship was created! I am shure there will be many more interviews knocking on your door!